The Animator

I will invite 5 people to heavan this year by _God

  • Views: 80
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "I will invite 5 people to heavan this year" by _God

4yr ago

I God has chosen to invite 5 people to heaven this year. These lucky five will get to see all the angels and magic that happens. At the end they will all receive a special gift.

4yr ago


God, I have been a good child this year.


a am a good person :/ haha [neviously]

4yr ago

*senses evil* *banishes*

w-w well *thinks about killing the fish for food to survive*

4yr ago

(Shaking while sweating) H-Hi

I killed 2 people all for a dog's life.

Do I go there :D?

4yr ago
4yr ago
4yr ago

omg i dont swear

never did in my life

okay frick

4yr ago

shut up britton woods... ur a bad omen now.

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