The Animator

who else just searched "animator' to find this by RooTBEEr

  • Views: 59
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "who else just searched "animator' to find this" by RooTBEEr

4yr ago

i did that to even find this website when i started making early creations somewhere around 2019 but rejoined without an account but created one somewhere around as i didnt make an account until September (or November) and Then Quit When i accidentally quit while making an animation and rejoining with the same account around February of 2020, Ive also experimented with several mechanics and managed to make a thumbnail

also, ive been urging to quit several times but havent quit yet and ive seen a few animators come and go since me rejoining

4yr ago

Yes I did LOL

4yr ago

No it was recommended to me

4yr ago

I was bored and i just found this site.. also.. i was also here, before i created Anibot101.. around 2019, i started my old account because i was bored.. and lemme tell you, MY OLD ANIMATIONS ARE TERRIBLE, PLEASE.. I WON'T EVEN TELL YOU THE USERNAME..

4yr ago

YOU KNOW MY BEGINNING YOU SHALL -oh wait caps lock- now know my end

Same firefly! By cakey a animator who is my older sister Ep 4 of wait by MikuMikugremlin85

Oops I didn’t mean to send a link but now it there

This is the link to her acc yummy snacc time by cakey577

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