The Animator

Why do more talented people follow me- by Sara_is_not_that_great

  • Views: 68
  • Created: 1yr ago
  • Last updated: 1yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 14 frames, 0.35s
 1 1

Comments on "Why do more talented people fallow me-" by Sara_is_not_that_great

I made most of this whilst my hair was being dried and it was made with a mouse, this is my messiest drawing so far-

because yes



idk i just did as i am assuming im not in the talented group.


You are tho- Your pfp is literally better then all my art-

EDIT: The title was misspelt but I fixed it :>



omg stickmanblueyt

I'm not talented, i draw on a mouse too, but i follow because fernid

I'm not talented, i draw on a mouse too, but i follow because fernid

1yr ago

I'm not talented, i draw on a tablet too, but i follow because fernid

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