The Animator

Whatamidoing by torchic

  • Views: 50
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Whatamidoing" by Ai-

4yr ago

I'm taking a joke too far

Excuse me? Who started hating first? You guys. Y'all said stuff about "Excuse me? Who started hating first? You guys. Y'all said stuff about MINECRAFT but we said something back and now y'all are crying and being annoying. I hate FORTNITE and always will annoying bums. MINECRAFT can't die unless he wants to by himself too :D So I can't die unlike stupid FINAL FANTASY" but we said something back and now y'all are crying and being annoying. I hate genociders and always will annoying bums. Sans can't die unless he wants to by himself too :D So I can't die unlike stupid frisk

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