The Animator

Evolution Of The Solar System by CookiEatsCookis

  • Views: 64
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 100 frames, 50s
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Comments on "Evolution Of The Solar System" by CookiEatsCookis

MYFN = Millon Years From Now.

BYFN = Billion Years From Now.

4yr ago

Main problem i see is that Neptune already has rings, theyre just relatively hard to see without special equipment.

Aside from that this is honestly quite accurate of what to expect.


Parker, I know Neptune has rings but Neptunes moon makes the rings more visible.

Parker beast mode

I like your animation :)

Gas Giants don´t freeze and i already know wat will happen to the universe.

4yr ago

U forgot the part where the meme lord destroys the rest of the universe because all the meme makers are gone now

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