The Animator

theanimator is nearing 100k animations by drro234

  • Views: 91
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "theanimator is nearing 100k animations" by drro234

3yr ago

There are 1824 pages of animations

3yr ago

There are 20 animations per page

3yr ago

20 x 1824 = 36,480

3yr ago

therefor there are only 36.4k animations, we need to make 63,520 for us to reach 100k, so we are not even close to 100k.

lets try and make it 100k

3yr ago

well then the front page is a liar

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