The Animator

magicboi is the Tag God! by Level161

  • Views: 65
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "magicboi is the Tag God!" by Level161

2yr ago

I was literally getting every power up. and couldn't find him. I was so mad.

2yr ago


He was OP.

In the first game, the only reason I won was that I hid in the tree by the basketball court every time it was his turn.

I saving up for 15000 gim coin's thats 10 week's 0_0

I know your secrets >:)

2yr ago



I'm lvl 69!




why am i leveling up slower?

2yr ago

@MagicDragon7777 said:

I know your secrets >:)

Haha I don't play gimkit that often tho.

2yr ago

I actually just like drawing lifting weights and animating. That's my daily schedule most of the time. I also go outside and watch youtube.

I wish in snow brawl you get 100XP every kill ._.

yeah "MAKE SURE TO TOUCH GRASS!!" everybody says...

2yr ago

@MagicDragon7777 said:

yeah "MAKE SURE TO TOUCH GRASS!!" everybody says...

are you talking to me or yourself?

2yr ago

@MagicDragon7777 said:

why am i leveling up slower?

Oh, Gimkit has a thing where questions that are ACTUAL questions, not spamming ones, get you more xp.

2yr ago


Try to find a fun, but easy, Gimkit.

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