The Animator

sugar rush? by PlanetAntMan

  • Views: 102
  • Created: 5mo ago
  • Last updated: 5mo ago
  • Version: 3
  • Length: 48 frames, 2.45s
 8 8 10 9

Comments on "sugar rush" by PlanetAntMan

Sugar taste good

If this gets 10 reactions I'll extend the frames


It's a win win cuz u get more dopamine and I get more sugar

gg! I'll make more frames when I have time


get to 23 reactions and I'll make more!!

5mo ago

One more reaction and you have to suffer again

5mo ago


5mo ago


Not me hopping onto alt accounts to get you to 23

WOA OK I'll make more

light work no reaction ez recovery


I think that sugar was powdered acid

If u get 49 reactions I'll make even more!!!

(Tbh I don't even know how to continue this but I'll figure it out if we get there)

I'ma change it to just 40 reactions not 49

u can do it!

are you rushing the sugar or is the sugar rushing you?


the powdered acid is rushing me

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