missing person (so_cool_man) declared dead. by 
- Views: 50
- Created: 23d ago
- Last updated: 23d ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 3 frames, 7.5s
Comments on "missing person (so_cool_man) declared dead." by cole

i took a look into his past carl.

his latest interactions seem to be with a "burnincat' fellow.
the same dead man whos body dissapeared on last site.

so cole... hes alive?

thats a detective for you.

we cant assume so just yet carl, but yes.
he seems to have been a victim of muiltiple violent incedents.
all of those he took injures that would kill a normal man. but he survived.
it seems so cool man was appart of this.

weve been keeping track of these fellows for a while since the first incedent haven we?
what info do we have on where he could be?

the only location known is the red lobster next to the last site. burnincats interactions so far seem to be with the other guy, planetantman. hes an interesting case...
welp. we'll head there soon, crime aint gonna fight itself.

hello detectives.

this areas off limits

uh oh

What is this rp bro

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