The Animator

slapping shark by DeliXaes

  • Views: 88
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 25 frames, 2.25s
 3 1 2 2

Comments on "slapping shark" by DeliriumMecx

3yr ago

why did you make this animation

its not nice

3yr ago

and why do you hate her

Ya my best friend is right why did u do dat it’s so much bad and @sharkloid is going to mad 😡 not my problem it’s on you not me do wanted not me ok so don’t blame me and @bonbon don’t blame @imtobeiskingsister2Agian so not me or @tobeiwking or nobody ok it’s your fault not no one else fault ok blame you should be a Sam Sam on you Sam Sam Sam 🤔 bye I’m done for talking

3yr ago

i was seriously considering running away from home

3yr ago

@Imtobeiskingsister2 it is not that big of a deal bro it's just a animation

you have offended all shark kind

be eaten by sharks


Thank you for watching Jaws 2 :D

JezZ just do better learn my name dude

3yr ago

dangit i tried to just make it funny but nvm ._.

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