The Animator

Inky by dinobomb_776

  • Views: 116
  • Created: 5yr ago
  • Last updated: 5yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "Inky" by dinobomb_776

You need be careful with inky here he is smart and destroyed a shark in a fight and he has a harpoon gun to blade and more weapons that are from a sunken battle ships

5yr ago

oh cute-

wait did he destroy a shark-

And the point on his head is bone brackets from the rib bone from a dead large fish and his hand handband made from dead coral so bracelet and bone point made of bone and seaweed and dead coral

5yr ago


i oughtta back off now

Yup he did destroy a shark oh and the skull on his head is paint to scare away predators like barracuda eels the red eye glow

Oh wait when I said he destroyed a shark many other saw the fight and inky will look at them and hold up his blade and the other shark go away in fear

He doesn't hurt nice people like you shark blade and he know when someone's living whell he like a tribal wizard of some sort


*And the eyes glow in the dark*

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