The Animator

Basically the debates by StarryNeptune

  • Views: 120
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 166 frames, 22.9s
 4 9 13 9

Comments on "Basically the debates" by StarryNight


Hallarius animation.

4yr ago

this is cute but it isnt supposed to be biased right..?

4yr ago

Im just wondering if its like actual repub or dem or if its just color (sorry to ask just wondering

O Mah God

This is tottaly the debates! XD XD XD XD

@Foxglove It was supposed to show dem and reps. Its not biased.

4yr ago

k (I'd like to add: please don't get upset I wan't angry about it just wanted to know c: )

Sure. np.

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