The Animator

henshin by SandwichMan

  • Views: 62
  • Created: 3mo ago
  • Last updated: 3mo ago
  • Version: 6
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
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Comments on "cant deside either nintai redesign or new chatacte" by SandwichMan

if new character can some of you think of an ability for him im running low on creativity

3mo ago


he edges

3mo ago

very epik, also why not make the ability be body transformation? judging by the mouth on his beanie, it could fit! basically he can stretch his limbs or sumting

Edited by @spoinko


very epik

o wait, i just realized that the character u drew is dat nintai guy.... nevermind, ignore what i said in the comment i wrote before!

(spoink speaking)

Edited by @SpoinkoandCat


no im keeping that idea i wasn't sure if it should be a redesign for nintai or a new character 😭

3mo ago

he looks like the Kursty Krba

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