The Animator

To whoever is deleting the group anims by TRAngA

  • Views: 84
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "To whoever is deleting the group anims" by TRAngA

4yr ago

Nobody finds you funny, you aren't helping anyone, you are just ruining peoples genuine hard work, you are destroying the fun of these accounts, you aren't trolling you are just being a jerk.

4yr ago

Also ever begin to think there are KIDS on this website? Ever think perhaps kids shouldn't have to see their drawings gone, and left with a racist slur?

4yr ago
4yr ago

you are just ruining peoples experience, you gain nothing from it.

4yr ago

you are a horrible person in my eyes, and you can't change that, unless you change, I am not here to insult you, you need to understand that you cant just say these horrible things, especially to kids.

4yr ago


4yr ago

Welp it was worth a shot.

4yr ago

3 minutes ago I was legitamently going 2 ask u to do that. deleter of anims tranga may not want to insult you but i do UR A JERK!!!!!!!!!!!


wow -_- ppl these days

Omg he needs to go to a therapist, because he's going around thinking everyone's a mirror

4yr ago

ok stop tranga just delete this animation cuz it is a machine that turns ppl into jerks

4yr ago

kinda hide my comment that was actually dumb to say sorry ;-;

thas fine rezzy i know id do that in real life but it was kinda easy not to type it out so i forgive u

4yr ago

It's just sad that we cant have a fun experience, a sort of co-op animation, and then some guy comes along and ruins it, I am sure he has his reasons, I am sure he had something effect his life that he feels the need to take from others, but we did nothing to deserve this.

4yr ago

People. are... JERKS!

people don't care for the enviroment, nor themselves!

People are.. IDIOTS!

people only care for themselves.. and no one else!

If this was a prank, i'd be fine.. but this is just straight up being a JERK!

People are.. JERKS!

"C'mon everyone! sing along!"

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