STORY (in comments) by

- Views: 92
- Created: 3yr ago
- Last updated: 3yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "STORY (in comments)" by Magicdragon77777
so when i was in school yesterday a girl came up to me and said mean stuff and i said ¨well dont be bulling people or doing stuff like that or imma tell the principle¨ THEN SHE SCRATCHED ME! heres proof
so it was like BRUH YOU SCRATCHED ME i told SHE GOT SUSPENDED FOR 1 WEEK and the best part is that she is prob in so much trouble lol
the moral of this TRUE story is TO NEVER BULLY ANYONE THAT ARE BETTER THEN YOU OR LOWER THEN YOU IN CLASS the most part is DONT BULLY the scratch was painful. But i mean i hate worse stuff the that so yeah lets hope we dont get in trouble
. SHEESH i wrote alot of letters in 2-3 mins WOW :0

Jeez she has a short temper
I have to deal with the same thing; being my younger brother
To the girl who scratched you, I recommend her a counsellor 👼

People say revenge isn’t worth it but personally
Revenge is utterly delicious
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