The Animator

stupid wach it pls by gamerboy

  • Views: 53
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 12 frames, 6s

Comments on "stupid wach it pls" by gamerboy

My little pony is not stupid if what if what if somebody’s baby brother or sister watches it and they said that you said it’s stupid and it was just up in black kids childhood why are you Caroline kids childhood you ruined it I just I watch that when I was 1 to 2 to 3 years old and now you’re messing it up now and I know you got my mind messed up my baby sister is watching my baby sister watches it so if she sees that she said it’s stupid she’s going to stop watching it and then she’s going to get sad and not watch anything with ponies and I thought that my little pony was a good a good show for babies and now you’re calling is stupid why would you ruin the kids childhood like thatBabies word is very busy and then somebody reads it out loud the babies are gonna cry and they won’t like ponies and when they grow up tell people that you said that ponies are stupid and then I don’t want you watch your other babies and I see that you said that they’re going to get so terrified of because of you I am so mad at you for saying my little pony stupid it’s for babies how do you watch my little pony you don’t know because you’re only a baby and you forget everything that you’ve done is a big what is my little pony you can’t you can’t be so rude to everything why do babies are listening to you already watch the whole season and if I tell her that my little pony stupid you are ruining kids childhood game super Duper mad at you I am not I am super super cute game my little pony is cute for babies and children ages 12341285 you can see able to draw and plus I need to know how old are you because I’m mad at you came a boy😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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