The Animator

Legend returns...from a point of view on life by cameronmaher_

  • Views: 101
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Legend returns...from a point of view on life" by ZzSleepy


i decided that my fate is to become an animator for a show im doing called "The Slant" made by me devolped by me and my friends christan,zoey, and Josphe(as music artist for background) with over 20 voice actors on this show this is my destiny and i owe it all to this site and the people(most people) who supported me along the way im not going forever but if u need me u know where to find me :) legends never die

Everyone is a Legend In My Eyes

By "Cameron Maher"(me)

"“The only thing we're allowed to believe is that we won't regret the choice we made.”"


also for all the ppl who just started and like animating never give up it will only make life harder it's easier to correct your mistake than to neglect it

2yr ago


dont you love it when narcissists call themselves a legend like they're famous when, at most, about 15 people know them?

its crazy how i said everyone a legend and you still got 1 person who have lower than 12 iq maxium like who is u bruh?

you literally titled your one day return "legend returns"

implying that you're calling yourself a legend

yeah meaning everyone @animatorweasel

Then you should've rewrote your title.

You're not a legend, like weasel said, you're acting as if you are a celebrity that's hella famous, as of right now, no. You're not famous, in the future, maybe you will be famous, but you're not at the moment.

2yr ago


well um

im glad you're passionate about something, keep going ^^

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