The Animator

The first scene from the cartoon clip "Crazy Just" by Rosanimafilm20231012

  • Views: 28
  • Created: 1mo ago
  • Last updated: 1mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 16 frames, 3.1s
 1 1

Comments on "The first scene from the cartoon clip "Crazy Just"" by Rosanimafilm20231012

In short. This is a cartoon clip "Сумасшедший просто сумасшедший" (Crazy just crazy) performed by Slava Marlow. I decided to make an animated clip with the characters Vasov, who was also cunning and crazy, and behaves like Varu from "13 cards".

Edited by @Rosanimafilm20231012

The second scene from the cartoon clip "Сумасшедший просто сумасшедший" (Crazy Just Crazy) will be released soon.

1mo ago

very epik

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