beehive sword by

- Views: 159
- Created: 2yr ago
- Last updated: 2yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
Comments on "beehive sword" by NoahTheClown02232007

4 older comments

yeah but youre being really rude to my friend

also only special 23andme stans can have "23" on their username

ok? and apolagize to her this istant. im her IRL friend
most of the comments directed towards them are jokes for the record
bruh you're not going to force me to do something i dont want to do

I dont care. you shouldnt even make rude jokes. say sorry to her
also i put the number there because that is my birthday
you arent forcing me to do it
even if i apologize, i'll still get shunned and again teased. it never does any good.

I reported all your comments.
dude why dont you get the fact that you cannot control me. i dont want to apologize, leave the choice to me, you do not decide my future. well, sure, dan can, but okay.
i'll think about it. that's all i'll say.
well i tried but i guess nobody even cares
do you want me to delete myself off the platform or something

the intrusive thoughts ;-;


intrusive thoughts indeed
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