your new boyfriend by

- Views: 131
- Created: 4yr ago
- Last updated: 4yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "your new boyfriend" by WilburSoot
Life isn"t quite what i thought it"d be when i was a kid on VOIP and thought when I get older i"d marry her and i told her now i"m 26 and I work in a office 9 till 5"s not the best ill be honest if I could change a single thing i"d make me and not him...........but hes in your bed and i"m in your twitch chat dudududu i got the key and hes just a doormat and even though he"s got social skills that dosesn"t mean i can"t pay the bills anyway make the most of him she moves on pretty bloody quick ohhh ohhhh Your New Boyfriend"s and arsehole.........WOOOOOOOOO dududududududududududududududududu and yeah,i"ve met Jared ( of course i"ve met jared ) the one who took you away from me you hit off instantly i know cause you won"t stop telling me i"ve seen his jawline,shoulders and muscles pushed against his fashion sense and I thought about what he looks like nude (i"m not gay though )............oh shes living the dream (living the dreammm ) oh shes living the dream from back when we were seventeen oh shes living the dream ( living the dream ) oh shes living the dream from back when we were seventeen,how on earth can i be saved when i"m one click away from insane,i think that i deserve a little bit of what i"ve earned, im not gonna make another scene the one i made when i was 23 means i"m not allowed in Disney World,,,,,,,,,but hes in your bed and i"m in your twitch chat, i"ve got the key and hes just a doormat even though hes got social skills does

Prove that you are by buying me everything lol
( buys dollar tree spider man costume )
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