The Animator

Clik. by StarryNeptune

  • Views: 160
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 5 9 20 12

Comments on "Clik." by StarryNight

Fun fact:

My hands are frozen and I literally am having so much trouble moving them rn.

And uh... I drew this while I was waiting for things to get warmer.

Is it cold or are you to petrified to move your hands?


If I move it too much it hurts.

It hurts so much rn.

Well, hope your hands get better (not a sentence i thought i would ever type)

lol thanks

you have earned my pity. (and my empathy. and also my hands.)

dang I hope it gets warmer so your hands arent handcicles anymore and that they feel better :(

sometimes if I move my left hand too much it starts to hurt and swell up a little where my thumb is TnT

i hope that the sun helped overnight.

3yr ago

sit on your hands its weird but works after a few minutes

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