The Animator

Something Happend yesterday- by Dale

  • Views: 122
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 2 1

Comments on "Something Happend yesterday-" by Charmander

thats great to hear!

3yr ago

what about ur parents?

3yr ago

My mom knows but my dad no ._. @_LEE

3yr ago

but do they accept

3yr ago

My mom AcCePt My UnClE acCpEtd meh dad no no squre xsdcfvgbhnjkl; @_LEE

3yr ago


u lucky my mom is homophobic wich means she dont support me i wanna come out to her tho

3yr ago
3yr ago

me and my friends are helping with song making a art and Making a sound with guitar

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