Dancing me by 
- Views: 506
- Created: 7yr ago
- Last updated: 7yr ago
- Version:
- Length: 2 frames, 0.2s
Comments on "Dancing me" by sharkblade900
1 older comment

very old indeed uvu
y delete

You commit deletus :(

it darn old
ancient in fact
but i cant remake it uvu

Thus, a legend was born

people are still looking through my old animations ;-;
yes cuz they still awsum

omae wah mou.

pls stop looking at this =w=

w h y


Alright I can explain why it's like this;
So to those in The Animator before March 2020, there was this bug if you deleted an animation with comments on it, the animation would just turn into a blank page. The admin soon fixed it, however, and so you could re-delete the blank animations, but I decided to keep this one because it was the most nostalgic (sadly, I've deleted my actual first animation).
That's unfortunate if you wanted to know what this was about :>

I think MikuMikugremlin85 was the only person that saw it, but she probably doesn't remember what it was about xD

First animation

Get rekt because you can't see it

Also it isn't my first animation. I had another bundle of animations before this, I might have private-d them or deleted them

Oh okeh

found it :)

hello XD
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