When you lost the best pet in a game by

- Views: 99
- Created: 4yr ago
- Last updated: 4yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, NaNs
Comments on "When you lost the best pet in a game" by magicboyys_myaccountgothacked
Once I played this game called Animal Jam, I stopped playing 3 or so years. Some of my items became really rare and valuable. I decided to play it a few months ago. A scammer called Mxkki said "Giving away free spikes" and asked me to go to a link for a roulette thing. It was an account information grabber, and they stole my valuable items and attempted to sell my account on Craigslist for 50 dollars as "2017 Animal Jam account + Limited Rares"
One of those included my pet Phantom

I was playing fallout 4 and asked dog meat to go to sanctuary, then when I came back to get him, I just couldn't find him, apparently he was behind the house in a doghouse just chillin.

But I looked for him for 45 minutes straight

i totally didn't one time let free a pet that was going to become rare and valuable then spend over 100 grand to get it again 😅
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