The Animator

SCPs 90517-A & 90517-B - "Haze" & "Ash" by DR_Lunaris

  • Views: 94
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "SCPs 90517-A & 90517-B - "Haze" & "Ash"" by DR_Lunaris

DESIGNATION: SCP-90517A and SCP-90517B

NICKNAME(S): "Haze" and "Ash"

CLASS: Both are of the Safe class.


I was out doing fieldwork, trying to further @Dr_Staten_Grattsy's research on SCP-8372 when I came across an old hiking trail. At first, I didn't see anyone, but I did hear whispering, though. As my eyes adjusted to the dim-lit surroundings, 90517A noticed me and looked towards me.

Both 90517A and 90517B seem humanoid from the waist up, but waist down, their body fades, becoming a plume of smoke-like substance. They both seem to be around their teenage years, if they actually once were human, and there is a censor covering both of their eyes, and it seems that their eyes have been gouged out, based on blood splatters on their cheeks.

They look at each other, then back at me, 90517B looking a bit scared. I step back, holding my hands - paws, rather - up. "Hey... I'm not gonna hurt you guys." I try to convey a calming tone, but my hoarse voice, not to mention my more... fox-like features, scared them. 90517B takes a step towards me, seemingly curious. When they talk, though, I could barely hear them.

'... wh-who are you?' I smile. "I'm Luna. What about you?" They look down. 'i... ... i... i don't remember. neither of us do, actually.' "Oh. ...I-" I stop as I hear humming, and both A and B look towards the source. 'miss luna... r-run... ... go before it sees you.'

I waste no time in climbing up a tree, and situate myself so that I can see through the branches, but hopefully no one could see in. 90517A and B flicker before they slowly fade away. Wait...

SCP-8372's targets... the sensors over A's and B's eyes... Could they once have been Black Tom's victims? I'm writing this as I'm hiding in the tree, and I'll try and talk to A and B once 8372's gone. Hopefully they can help us.



ANOMALOUS ABILITIES (that we know of):

Both have ghost-based abilities (flight, invisibility, phasing through objects, etc.), but can't actually interact with physical objects. 90517A, given the name "Haze" by Dr. Lunaris, has psychic abilities, which include telepathy, telekinesis, and empathy. 90517B, named "Ash", can move physical objects for a few seconds, in which time they actually become solid.


90517A - Haze - green

90517B - Ash - purple

CONTAINMENT: I will ask @Dr_Staten_Grattsy on how to proceed with containment.

If they follow orders, then we will transport them to the nearest SCP Containment site.

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