The Animator

The fights between these two is crazy by BreadKris

  • Views: 122
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "The fights between these two is crazy" by BreadKris

2yr ago

Listen. You got this all wrong. Im not fighting against with someone. Im just giving them advice because there depressed

2yr ago

Yo i'm this close to leaving this site for good

The only thing thats holding me back from it is that burnincat still needs to come back

Edited by @BreadKris

Edited by @BreadKris

2yr ago

Monday looks so silly haha <3

2yr ago


It's prob. his eye I'm not great at drawing furrys

2yr ago


I just mean it looks silly in a good way! dw :)

@TopG said:

Listen. You got this all wrong. Im not fighting against with someone. Im just giving them advice because there depressed

who said they were? you cant just claim that they are.

like "oh you are depressed because you are following your hobby and not getting a job"

2yr ago

@averagekid said:

@TopG said:
Listen. You got this all wrong. Im not fighting against with someone. Im just giving them advice because there depressed
who said they were? you cant just claim that they are.
like "oh you are depressed because you are following your hobby and not getting a job"

Listen hobbies are ment to solve depression. The reason why im saying they are depressed is because they are lazy, jobless and they probally have anxiety

@TopG said:

@averagekid said:
@TopG said:
Listen. You got this all wrong. Im not fighting against with someone. Im just giving them advice because there depressed
who said they were? you cant just claim that they are.
like "oh you are depressed because you are following your hobby and not getting a job"
Listen hobbies are ment to solve depression. The reason why im saying they are depressed is because they are lazy, jobless and they probally have anxiety

well you cant just assume that, how would you know if they were lazy and jobless, plus how exactly does being lazy and jobless make you depressed?


why did you just drop those words like that

why did you describe me <:c

2yr ago
2yr ago

Thank god this is getting noticed. we need @Dan to finish this problem as I see that TopG's behavior is not acceptable. Hey @TopG - it's not nice to call people depressed since @Jle3v isn't at all depressed- you just wanna get attention. And you always pretend like you're better then anyone else. Like, it's obvious you're a kid- look at your writing. But other than that, you are cyber bullying people in this site, that just want to go see their friend's animations and not get harassed by some 8 year old. I'm the creator of this peice of art and I can see what you've hidden. Stop pretending like getting a job is important- There are a lot of young people on this site- definitely older and more understanding in life than you- And why you got to stop people's dreams of drawing? Animation and art is really what started the internet in the first place- It was a place where people could draw whatever they want and gain people as friends with the same interests, without having people get pissed about them. Look at back in around 2009 when there were thousands of art people and sites overpopulating the internet- Edd Gould, Newgrounds, and so many more. Why would you even decide to get on a site that had things like art that you would stop them for? It's stupid, leave us artists be and let us enjoy at least something.

Edited by @BreadKris

uhhh... what in the hell is going on I just came back to the animators...?

2yr ago


Oh good, I thought you left BECAUSE of TopG

also there's this user named TopG and he calls people depressed and bully's them for no reason. He pretends like he's better than everyone else. Watch out!

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