The Animator

わかりました。 by BlanelDraws

  • Views: 46
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "わかりました。" by BlanelDraws

If I find a hater of me, I might not get banned. It might be the person who is hating on the other person (exp: me)

So yeah. I might get a hater, just saying.

Also for the ones who hasn’t followed me on flipanim, please follow me so you will never miss an animation!

And I think that’s it, bye!

Remember to follow me on flipanim!


私の嫌いを見つけたら、私は禁止されないかもしれません。 それは他の人を嫌う人かもしれない(exp:me)



そして、それはそれだと思います! バイバイ!



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