The Animator

sword collab rules comments [not done join!!!] by magicdragon778

  • Views: 75
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 1

Comments on "sword collab rules comments" by magicdragon778

rule 1 make the stickman on the left win or with a sword

rule 2 make the sword stickman never die

rule 3 right stickman will attack fist but sword stick boi will dodge and hit

final rule there must be 1 sword stickman and 2 noobs that punck idk what to call them.

I am goi g to join cause I am bored

oke 5 more to go

Like what type of swords can you use


4yr ago

i join

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