Get trolled I am actually SANSXME. Blanel my frien by

- Views: 89
- Created: 5yr ago
- Last updated: 5yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "Get trolled I am actually SANSXME. Blanel my frien" by FAGYSANSWIFE
I troll you. Lol. (I’m stupid lol)
I trolled all you guys because I am actually a SAMUS and link fan (I know they are not real. Because you can’t have a girlfriend/boyfriend with a fictional character as far as I know). So I troll you, my second account is MEXSANS, and it was a troll
Because I got bored, I will delete the joke one. Because why the h*ck not?!??!!???!? :D
Also I meant Blanel is kirb-ballx, sorry. (Please don’t kill me. XD)
So I will continue but on my SANSXME account. Bye guys! Have a good/bad time! (Trying to be nice.)

Lol :D
yeah, me too..
but now for the real question..
r u (Fagy) and Blanel the same person?

I am feeling terrible when I sent the link of this account to Sansxme account because I literally sent you to yourself
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