4th V.S. 3rd by
- Views: 103
- Created: 5yr ago
- Last updated: 5yr ago
- Version: 10
- Length: 109 frames, 59.45s
Comments on "4th V.S. 3rd" by DragronLucio
hold on let me fix it
10 older comments
im making it now ;)
BTW hes stronger then Truefire Hellfire and Truefire.exe About as strong as 1st and 3rd when teamed up
Because I helped him train and he has strongest power eye and hes a very good friend of mine
Kai Tensei is recovered and about to fight his clone with 4th Anime Lord because His cloned self has more power than Kai Tensei and he he's some of your power because you brought him back to life.
I was think if Shinra Should help instead of 4th Anime Lord?, Because he never fought in a animation yet ?
they both should
ill watch with some water to spare if they wanna take a small break before finishing the fight
you can just put me as a big purple square with light purple eyes
almost done
good because my arms are getting tired of clicking refresh
Just finish fast please
Is take long so time long
i know its going to be done soon in about 3 minutes
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