The Animator

i am here sitting and have no ideas by robo_alex6745

  • Views: 53
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "i am here sitting and have no ideas" by robo_alex6745

4yr ago

Nop, got no problem w that, people decide FOR me

i didnt understand what you siad cause is the w be a y or not

4yr ago

leg helicopter, stick fight, tree POWERS, elemental powers, flying, gun shootout, eating a gun, eating a gun shooting, eating a shot gun, eating a gun with a lack of shots, eating a gun loaded with shots, eating a gun made of cheese, eating cheese, and tacobell, those are a few things you can animate. :)

4yr ago

TRAngA, what goes on inside your head exactly, with GUNS

4yr ago

You should not be aloud around schools LMAO

4yr ago


oh i came back to post a privite drawing then i saw trangas comment

4yr ago



4yr ago

my spelling is awful

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