Black: The Most powerful one. (Coming soon.) by

- Views: 91
- Created: 5yr ago
- Last updated: 5yr ago
- Version: 1
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "Black: The Most powerful one. (Coming soon.)" by AlanAnimations
Not trying to be rude, but why do I feel like the art is going to be better than the animation. Once again, not trying to be rude. It happens to me whenever I see a thumbnail or trailer of something.
Really, I'm looking forwards to this and it looks like it's gonna be a really good animation.
Well, it might take me atleast a few months to finish it with the same art. Because i will make it like that. So... Yea... I will make it with full color and art.
Maybe... Just maybe... This will be the first movie in the entire site...
Anyone that is looking at the comments, mostly JaydenYau, thanks jaydenyau for giving the ideas of the powers for black, i will use them in this movie but a little more things:
1. Cover up victims in blackness, causing the victim to deform to nothing.
2. Black is mostly calm, and a bit shy, he will usually wonder in forests in like 3 scenes of the movie.
3. At the end of the movie at like the last 10 min, he gets a upgrade, causing his void powers, becoming universe powers, universe powers allow him to control the entire universe. And him most likely getting to become god himself.
1st one is with the void powers not just sending the victim to the void, but to deform into nothing, and i forgot, he can turn any object into black darkness, making it devolve into ashes.
If anyone wants to, they can make a trailer for this.
and he can make a monster come out of one of his void portals
This is not gonna be a horror movie...
i know im just sayin a arm comes out a hits the opponent
Hold up, that could actually be used. But hey, i got a question.
Does anyone wanna create a trailer of this?
i just did lol
Now let me make it...
Can't Wait! :)
i made the first episode

I don't really think that plot should be in the movie.
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