The Animator

Why do people... by TwoColor_animates

  • Views: 31
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 2 frames, 0.2s

Comments on "Why do people..." by TwoColor_animates

Why do people just do a singular frame (a drawing)?

This is an animating website. So, why are people just doing one frame? I don't get it.

Also, is it just me or did you guys all search up "animating website" or along those lines.

IDK I just started using it cuz a friend told me too.

Hah, I guess.

3yr ago

Technically yeah, it’s an animating website, but a bunch of people like myself use it as a simple to use, free drawing site.

3yr ago

I just do it because it has the tools I need to draw. Its one of the only "free computer animation" softwear I could finde for a school computer (They block allmost evrything)

You can animate, but you can draw as well.

You have the tools to draw anyways.

A lot of my animations are drawings because why not?

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