The Animator

idk by _LEE

  • Views: 65
  • Created: 1yr ago
  • Last updated: 1yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
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Comments on "idk " by Monday

1yr ago

What are you trying to say. Are you dyslexic or something. Why the matrix did you just say idk. Did you ment to say 'I dont know if im gonna have a succesfull future or not.'

1yr ago


Imagine calling someone dyslexic as an insult and then creating the most unintelligible paragraph this site has ever seen. You nearly gave me a brain aneurysm.

Why waste your time typing nonsense to kids on the internet? Don’t you have a job? Or is your entire personality being a job-obsessed Andrew Tate bootlicker?

1yr ago

@Z4NDAA said:

Imagine calling someone dyslexic as an insult and then creating the most unintelligible paragraph this site has ever seen. You nearly gave me a brain aneurysm.
Why waste your time typing nonsense to kids on the internet? Don’t you have a job? Or is your entire personality being a job-obsessed Andrew Tate bootlicker?

I do have a job. I sell homemade lemonade near my neighbourhood. Im a simple guy. Although soon as I grow I will get more advanced with my work and responsibilities.



Lemonade? Seriously? Real top G of you 💀

Edited by @CrackRodent

1yr ago

he was supposed to be doing👌👌👌 but couldn't get the hand right smh

1yr ago


Oh well good for you ig. Just let people do what they want tho. We’re gonna get jobs eventually anyways

1yr ago

yeah what he said

1yr ago

@CrackRodent said:

Lemonade? Seriously? Real top G of you 💀
Edited by @CrackRodent

Shut the matrix up you rodent. Im 15 years old, what did you expect me to be, a pilot Have you ever heard of begining of future. Sad to see you dont have any progress. Sooner I will get more advanced with my work and responsibilities and who knows i might be a pilot soon.

1yr ago

me coming here elated about the comments being about my work but then I realize its about this stupid dude wehfu3rrojie cries

@TopG said:

@CrackRodent said:
Lemonade? Seriously? Real top G of you 💀
Edited by @CrackRodent
Shut the matrix up you rodent. Im 15 years old, what did you expect me to be, a pilot Have you ever heard of begining of future. Sad to see you dont have any progress. Sooner I will get more advanced with my work and responsibilities and who knows i might be a pilot soon.


crazy how he tells us to get a job while he sells lemonade


you use matrix as a real word, it was made as a slang on the internet. you off the internet??


He really pulled out the Matrix on me... Please don't go all Top G on me, I don't know if I can handle it.

1yr ago


DW YOUR ART IS VERY COOL we love it!! love you!! <333 keep drawing super cool silly things, I enjoy it very much 🤩

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