The Animator

pls update your brain cells by _undead

  • Views: 56
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 3 3 2

Comments on "pls update your brain cells" by Undead_Boi

4yr ago

click ok for best performance

4yr ago

click cancel to remain dumb (joke)

What if I lost my braincells from watching youtube

4yr ago

buy brain cells from eBay, they're cheap

Sounds like a good idea.

Ok I just looked and I lost more braincells from that lmao

4yr ago

w o w

4yr ago

i can lend you 2 brain cells i cant lend three cause then i wont have any braincells


4yr ago

*gibs 2 brain cells to starry*

4yr ago

achievement unlocked:

lose nearly all your braincells

y a y !


3yr ago


you remain dumb forever :D

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