The Animator

getting ready for the war by cameronmaher

  • Views: 104
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 4 frames, 0.4s

Comments on "getting ready for the war" by cameronmaher

4yr ago

ok well i hope your not making your character too overpowered that it's at the point where you can obliterate a entire universe without even trying

im ready for the war on Sunday

4yr ago


no, maybe ,uuuuu

my new powers: I can turn my right eye red which means every time I look at u You take critical damage but I can only make my eyes red 3 times and then I lose that eye, I can also use fire but its black and hits critical isf touched, I also have the power of blood which means that I can also use my red eye to make u bleed to death. and I also have an ice power to and that's it

4yr ago

btw i don't have blood and i can melt ur ice with my fire,fira,and firaga. and u will break one of my parts with you red eye which will make me MAD

but my fire is more powerful than yours because I have a special type of fire and its black and does critical damage if touched

4yr ago

But im faster than ur fire now cause of the rocket upgrade i got

but don't for get I can fly I know I didn't say I can fly but in all most of my animations I can fly

4yr ago

ok but me am speed

ok maybe but im about to post the trailer for the war so be prepared and remember only squad leaders can post the war but if your squad leader isn't their than the second squad leader does the fight and Im doing part one on Saturday

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