I had the most horrifying dream by 

- Views: 164
- Created: 4yr ago
- Last updated: 4yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "I had the most horrifying dream" by Wifo0_bear_sucks_at_drawing
um, I believe that's called a nightmare
30 older comments

but then I saw F A T jimbo or somethin
M O R B I D L Y O B E S E jimbo
I've had worse.

and he also thougt the spicy yum yum sauce was milk

he poured it on the floor

it went through the floor

and then...


and then school

and then now
I had such a scary dream I almost died.
So in my dream: I facepalmed myself for so reason and I felt awfully weird, so I went to go look at myself in the mirror, and the outer layer of skin was gone. I screamed and ran into a wall and I saw many layers of skin was gone then. So then you could see the meat and veins, nerves ect. And then I got my skin back and then I was in a VVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY LONG hall and it was pitch black, I was walking toward the other end while saying continuisly "Don't Look Back". I looked back and saw a white scary figure coming toward me and I somehow run as fast as light toward the other end and turns out, a dead end. So, the monster caught me and ate my head and after that, I had to watch my death thousands of times.
I found a knife and stabbed myself and eventually woke up and never slept the rest of the night.
oh my.

I've had more scary
no me

litteraly every animatronic ever hunting me down in an unrecondnized place

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