<SCP 683> The Hard to Destroy Reptile by 

- Views: 83
- Created: 2yr ago
- Last updated: 2yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
Comments on "<SCP 683> The Hard to Destroy Reptile" by DrBrightSCP

Hmmm... I don't think they tried to kill it with a stick before...

wait if you cut its limb are you able to eat it?
it will regrow it because its hard to destroy
do you think i eat its own limb?
what happens if shy guy looks at him does shy guy just give up

wait if you cut its limb are you able to eat it?
it will regrow it because its hard to destroy
do you think i eat its own limb?
what happens if shy guy looks at him does shy guy just give up
1. You would be able to eat it, but, since SCP 682 is able to regen from literally nothing, it would regen and rip you up from within.
2. The Shy Guy was part of one of the extermination attempts, but after a 16 hour scuffle, 682 was still alive, and 096 was catatomic, and severely refused to engage 682 ever again.

Maybe we can start a branch of the O5 council. We need 5. I will be O5-1, you will be O5-2.
If you need to knwo more...

wait how do you deal 683 if it breach's do get something like scp 999?
999 is a goop cant really be destroyed from 683

wait how do you deal 683 if it breach's do get something like scp 999?
999 is a goop cant really be destroyed from 683
This has also been attempted. As 682 is able to adapt to and weaponize anything, after The Tickle Monster had a tickle fight with 682, The Hard to Destroy Reptile released a shockwave of laughter, successfully incapacitating all staff, then, using this opening, staged a containment breach.

On the other hand, 999 wasn't hurt.

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