The Animator

Yey :) by Dale

  • Views: 87
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 3 1

Comments on "Yey :)" by Charmander

3yr ago

Im asexual .-.


Das noice.

3yr ago

It is noice

3yr ago

same im asexual aswell! im also bi, so there's that.

3yr ago

@MissDragont :>

3yr ago


@Doshii u cant be two sexualities but ok

3yr ago

@BubblesFlew I've seen a whole lot of pple with 2 sexualities, so idk what to believe i am anymore thank you for that.

@Doshii ur prob thinking gender and sexuality

3yr ago

@BubblesFlew prob idk im still getting used to this. So i'll make mistakes and whats not. So forgive me if i get something mixed up or wrong. But im still proud of myself :D. So goody, day!

umm yes u can be have two sexualites im nonbinary and bi witch means im atracted to women and men and i dont have a gender so yes u can have two sexualites

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