The Animator

One black vs red saga ep1 by nashunbarnett

  • Views: 71
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 103 frames, 35.985s
 2 2 3 2

Comments on "One black vs red saga ep1" by nashunbarnett

How'd i do Alan?

should i make a youtube? if i do its gonna be ToxicAnimator so look it up on yt if you say yes

ight just made the youtube sub

On 17 sec, was that red blocking, or sliding while blocking? (You know, things people do in Anime fights.)?

sliding while blocking

Oh, try adding something that would make it look like they're doing that, if they're just in a position like that, with no context of it at all, it just looks like they're waiting for something :

k thanks for tip

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