The Animator

Am I gross? by thehuman

  • Views: 64
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "Am I gross?" by thehuman

So, this place isn't really meant for 18+ things but nobody really cares what you do in a Magma and there's no admin to hover over you. Well, there is but it's the people who created that server.

And I don't use magmas so I'm not gonna be in it really.

4yr ago

its adviced not to cuz theres children always in magmas

4yr ago

you're just being you :D

I don't see anything wrong.

If there was anything disgusting on your account, I would say so. But I just see nice doodles.

4yr ago

Well thanks for being nice, I'm not known for being accepted that much. I'll try magma. Because I purpuosly didn't go 100% on here

AY u not >:{

3yr ago

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