The Animator

if somone is willing (probaly not...) by Amongus-sussy

  • Views: 51
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 1 frame, 2s

Comments on "if somone is willing (probaly not...)" by among

yoyu could make a music for it or... sing it that will need a voice reveal...

soo make a song or sing it and...

ill give you extra pints if you make an among us song

you will need...

:the name

:some sort of main part that replayes

:a climax like a exting part

:and exta pints for lyricks

but i'm to young for a pint of beer

ok im bad at spelling


the body was in ele-ec

wasnt me.

there was blood all over wires

wasnt me

i even caught em venting in se-ec

wasnt me.

BOOM thats half a song.

(I'm to lazy to do the rest)

BTW its the imposter thats saying 'wasnt me'

noice very good

sice you are the only person you win by default

lol whats the prize?

here the prize... NOTHING


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