The Animator

The Ace Ep4 "The Truth" by cameronmaher

  • Views: 184
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 4
  • Length: 150 frames, 15s

Comments on "The Ace Ep4 "The Truth"" by cameronmaher

hope u enjoy this took me 2hours and 30minutes

4yr ago


I know right! :)


thx! im doing the other series tomorrow because my laptop about to die

oh ya and The Ace's season is almost over the new season of The Ace comes out next week and plus Im only doing like 8 episodes per season. and I have to work on the new series called "Decant"

4yr ago


4yr ago

why are they blinking so fast? Make delays if you want it to be more casual.

4yr ago


1- Eyes open

2 - Eyes close


4yr ago

btw why does he still care about leah she just goes like "oh i killed ur brother ur still gonna like me right?" cam "Yeah sure i hated him anyways he got too fat or something"Random green hair dude "Hi i sent her to kill ur brother"Cam"....what the ####"

4yr ago

basicly ep 4: leah "I killed ur brother its fine right" Cam"...what the heck "Leah"oh btw i didnt kill him its random green dude who did"Random Green Dude"Hi"Cam "Can we fight u literally just made me marry a phsycopath"Random Green Dude"Wait Wut u married her?...OH ITS OOOONNNNNN"cam"Leah get sumwhere safe i guess"Leah"No u"Cam "Stop plz" Leah "No u"Cam "Ok screw u just die *epicly uses fire slash to kill leah*"Leah "I thought i married u"Cam "oh riiiiight"Random Green Dude"Why am i not getting that many lines"Cam"Shut Up *Epicly Kills Random Green Dude*" (Btw CameronMaher Dont Take this as offense I just tried to make a funny version of wut u made)

4yr ago

why are they blinking uncontrollably

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