The Animator

wat da frik is dis pwace by ejhbtihvihyeigwehvuwtvdfiherie

  • Views: 55
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 2 1

Comments on "wat da frik is dis place" by ejhbtihvihyeigwehvuwtvdfiherie

Hello, welcome to The Animator!

Hey, welcome to The Animator.

Its an animating site.

hello. wat is dis place and da frik do i do here

4yr ago

you draw

i can tell because i just drew on an white picture

4yr ago


whats gallery editor my studio and commuity

Gallery is where you see other people's animations.

Editor is where you make animations.

My studio is where you view your own animations.

Community is where you could talk to other people by making threads.


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