The Animator

I'm looking @ my anims da night b4 by torchic

  • Views: 105
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "I'm looking @ my anims da night b4" by Ai-

For me it’s 12:00 am

1 older comment  

4yr ago

Yeah my time is 9:10

It's 12:14PM!

Same weasel!

For me it is exactly 12:14pm lol

Oh. Well. Nice. We live in the same time zone.

I guess never met someone on this site where we don’t have clashing time zones

Yeah. The only other person that I know lives in the same time zone is Cookie. A real world friend. He's great.

4yr ago


:) none of my friends will ever check out this site

Rlly? How do u know Ai?

4yr ago

*realizes I'm stuck in my house* OH WHAT THE FLIP?


4yr ago

I hid it so no one else will break into your homes

Lol good

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