The Animator

Truefire.exe V.S. 2nd Anime Lord by Hellfire

  • Views: 64
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 10
  • Length: 6 frames, 18.999s
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Comments on "Truefire.exe V.S. 2nd Anime Lord" by Hellfire

4yr ago

Hey, Did you nerf Hellfire? Because Hellfire could have absorbed some of Truefires powers to even the match out but he did not.. Im confused on if you had to make Hellfire weaker for Truefire to be stronger.

4yr ago

That was Truefire.EXE if hellfire hadnt died in this Non-Cannon animation my Cannon Self Wouldve Died

4yr ago

Along with Kai and Tai Tensei and basically everything except god

4yr ago


4yr ago

you owe me a 3 minute long animation of me training because i made this

4yr ago

and i mean like the hellfire me

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