Drawing Class! (ENTER NOW) by
- Views: 86
- Created: 4yr ago
- Last updated: 4yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 11 frames, 33s
Comments on "Drawing Class! (ENTER NOW)" by THE-H-boss2


Please enter: I'm bored lol.
1. Assignments will be counted if done within 7 days. No later.
2. There will be a monthly award ceremony where contestants can choose what they think is their best entry, and make it go against others. Winner gets a shoutout!
3. Classes start on December 12, 2021. They end on February 13, 2021.
4. If you do not submit entries 3 times in a row, you will be kicked out, you can appeal if somebody has not taken your spot yet.
If you enter, you will get this message on your latest post:
Hello! I have seen you have entered my art class! Please remember to check back weekly (mainly the weekend) to create an entry! Thanks for entering!

^v^ mhm
I have been reloading the page every 3 seconds lol trying to see if more people would enter. I will check back tomorrow at 10:30 ETC.

my time (11:06)

im bored lol.

Wow 4 people
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