The Animator

what am I doing with my life by so_cool_man

  • Views: 20
  • Created: 8mo ago
  • Last updated: 8mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "what am I doing with my life" by so_cool_man

I decided that I'm gonna draw ship art of some random scratch users sans OC with j mreder dunes becayse funny haha. hahah- coughs.

life tips: don't watch a single digital circus yt short. why is mrbeast bribing pompi to not acause him of the throwing of paper airplane - some guys who's probably younger than you

I'm not doing well

I'll link the art sometime later I geus lol

I will ramble on in this comment section

burger pants is now very relatable. I'm only eighteen and I've wasted my whole life - fictional character burger pants undertale

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