The Animator

Just so things are clear.. by Anibot505

  • Views: 84
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Just so things are clear.." by Anibot505

4yr ago

Lil' Blob and Blobstey are not the same blob/person..

That's not how robo Alex drawled blobstey this's how robo Alex drawled blobstey. Posted animation unavailable

4yr ago

oh.. sorry about that.. XD

You know how rootbeer say I am robo Alex and magic dragon

4yr ago

well.. to be honest.. i kinda agree with Rootbeer..

het dinobomb and anibot you know how i said i sab fish for food in rootbeer drew dinobomb, sab has a meanig

and i know dino bomb oc and my old oc kinda look like the same Posted animation unavailable

Yup it mine oc and your old oclook kinda the same the eyes three spije on the jagged mouth

you ment spikes

and the circle head three or with out spikes jagged mouth or straigth is a style if your oc is a robot or dinosuar or ect

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