The Animator

witch back story(p 1) by _ace325_

  • Views: 68
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 2 1

Comments on "witch back story" by _ace325_

4yr ago

A stood up and walked away from my desk towards the door. Many students were rushing but I had time. I wasn't going to have lunch today. I wasn't hungry. I strode to the stairs and headed down them thinking of eating a cupcake for my birthday which was today.I bought the cupcake from the cafeteria when it was breakfast hoping it would last. Most people would celebrate with their families and have a little party or even a big party but not me. I reached the door that opened up to the path that leads to the garden. I walk on it and again taking my time noticing every little detail. It was nice, not ruined as a normal public school would. Well, the thing is, this school isn't public nor is it normal.It's a witch's and wizard's school full of unexpected things and phenomenons.

4yr ago


and then you fell in love with my wizard

4yr ago


4yr ago

no. i think ur wizard is alr taken XD


he has multiple wifeys

4yr ago

hmmm ill think about it lol


4yr ago

i just read ur backstory.....dolfins with glocks?

4yr ago

I lovee ittttt nice punctuation and creativity I like POV type of writing im excited to see yours and bubbles second part <33

4yr ago

aw thxs onyx and yeah...i write storys sometimes on my free time so I had some practice and yeah I'm brainstorming ideas lol


4yr ago


anyone else get a fortune cookie that literally said you gonna get a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

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